Building a responsive chart in React with Plotly.js
Plotly.js is one of the best open source choice you can find. Built on top of D3 Plotly is a high level charting library which has over 40 types of charts including ones in 3D.
- #react
- #plotly
- #charts
Enforcing code quality in your react project
Keeping a quality and consistent code base is hard if you are working in a team. Even if not we often tend to not follow guideline that are not enforced.
- #setup
- #vscode
- #react
File Upload in react with FilePond
FilePond is javascript library that that can upload almost anything you through at it. It is one of the best and all rounded file uploading solutions out there IMO. In this tutorial, we'll create a simple file upload component and configure it, with react, hooks and typescript.
- #react
- #filePond
- #fileUpload
Setting up your Mac for web development
I’m just putting this here so that I can follow it as a checklist when setting up mine and it might help you guys too. I’m a web developer, focusing on javascript and node.
- #setup
- #mac
- #vscode